Florian Odronitz, Alumnus
Genomics and Phylogeny of Motor Proteins: Tools and Analyses
Department of NMR Based Structural Biology, Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen
from Feb 2008 to Jan 2009

Genomics and Phylogeny of Motor Proteins: Tools and Analyses
Fakultät für Biologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, and Department of NMR Based Structural Biology, Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen
from May 2005 to Jan 2008


Schneider R, Odronitz F, Hammesfahr B, Hellkamp M, Kollmar M (2013)
Peakr: Simulating solid-state NMR spectra of proteins.
Bioinformatics 29, 1134-1140
Hammesfahr B, Odronitz F, Mühlhausen S, Waack, S, Kollmar M (2013)
GenePainter: a fast tool for aligning gene structures of eukaryotic protein families, visualizing the alignments and mapping gene structures onto protein structures.
BMC Bioinformatics 14, 77
Pillmann H, Hatje K, Odronitz F, Hammesfahr B, Kollmar M (2011)
Predicting mutually exclusive spliced exons based on exon length, splice site and reading frame conservation, and exon sequence homology.
BMC Bioinformatics 12, 270
Hammesfahr B, Odronitz F, Hellkamp M, Kollmar M (2011)
diArk 2.0 provides detailed analyses of the ever increasing eukaryotic genome sequencing data.
BMC Research Notes 4, 338
Odronitz F, Becker S, Kollmar M (2009)
Reconstructing the phylogeny of 21 completely sequenced arthropod species based on their motor proteins.
BMC Genomics 10, 173
Odronitz F, Kollmar M (2008)
Comparative genomic analysis of the arthropod muscle myosin heavy chain genes allows ancestral gene reconstruction and reveals a new type of partially processed pseudogene.
BMC Molecular Biology 9, 21
Keller O, Odronitz F, Stanke M, Kollmar M, Waack S (2008)
Scipio: Using protein sequences to determine the precise exon/intron structures of genes and their orthologs in closely related species.
BMC Bioinformatics 9, 278
Odronitz F, Pillmann H, Keller O, Waack S, Kollmar M (2008)
WebScipio: An online tool for the determination of gene structures using protein sequences.
BMC Genomics 9, 422
Odronitz F, Hellkamp M, Kollmar M (2007)
diArk – a resource for eukaryotic genome research.
BMC Genomics 8, 103
Odronitz F, Kollmar M (2007)
Drawing the tree of eukaryotic life based on the analysis of 2269 manually annotated myosins from 328 species.
Genome Biology 8, R196
Odronitz F, Kollmar M (2006)
Pfarao: A web application for protein family analysis customized for cytoskeletal and motor proteins (CyMoBase).
BMC Genomics 7, 300